Why a Side Hustle is the Key to an Adventurous Life
If you are looking to live an adventurous life, it might be time to shake up your routine and try something new – like starting a side hustle. A side hustle is essentially any form of income generation outside of your primary work; if you have another job you’re passionate about, it could be considered a side hustle.
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While the idea of adding yet another thing to your schedule might seem overwhelming, the truth is that starting a side hustle will help you achieve your goals and even broaden your horizons in ways you never thought possible.
Table of Contents hide
1 1. The world is your oyster
2 2. What you do isn’t who you are
3 3. Own your Time
4 4. Start your own business
5 5. Do something you are good at
6 6. Take the initiative and think outside the box
7 7. Being Entrepreneurial doesn’t mean working all day every day
8 8. Enjoy your work (most of it anyway!)
9 9. Work hard, play hard
10 10. Stay Positive
11 Why do I recommend dropshipping as one of the best side hustles?
12 My Final Thoughts…
1. The world is your oyster
If you’re looking for a change, but don’t want to quit your job, then it’s time to look at what’s possible with a side hustle. If you’re worried about the risks and responsibilities of starting your own business, then think about how much control you have over your hours and other aspects of the workday.
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If you crave the creativity that comes with starting something from scratch, then get out there and give it a try. The only way for things not to work out is if you let them – but where’s the fun in that?
2. What you do isn’t who you are
Success in life often hinges on how you define yourself. If you define yourself as your job, it’s easy to grow resentful and unfulfilled when the inevitable layoff hits. If you are defined by your hobbies, it’s hard to translate that excitement and passion into anything profitable or sustainable.
You need some way to combine both your passions with what pays the bills – until you can do so comfortably, there will be always something missing from your day-to-day life. A side hustle gives you purpose in all areas of your life by combining what fuels your daydreams with what fulfills your day-to-day obligations.
3. Own your Time
“You can’t protect your day. It comes to you, and then it’s gone“. This quote from Adventure Time sums up the many benefits of side hustles. One of these benefits, time ownership, means you have complete control over how you spend your day.
There’re NO bosses, quotas, or meetings to attend that set your agenda. You got to decide what work needs to be done and when it should be done so you can focus on doing something else if that need arises.
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Making time for other things in life like taking care of yourself or having a hobby not only makes these activities more enjoyable but allows us as people to grow and experience different sides of ourselves.
4. Start your own business
Side hustles are great for your wallet and your soul. You might not want to leave your 9-5, but maybe you can take on a part-time job on the weekends or sell products online. It doesn’t take mu, but it can really do wonders for your budget and give you that sense of purpose you crave. For example, with so many people interested in living more healthfully, I created some healthy meals that tasted good enough my family could enjoy them. But my friends found out about this and wanted these meals delivered to their house! So, I set up an online shop just to do that!
healthy food online store – Why a Side Hustle is the Key to an Adventurous Life
When you start your own business, you are the boss! Working for yourself gives you more freedom and independence, and you won’t be bound by the typical 9-5, Monday-Friday weekday. Being your own boss allows you to work when you want, whether it’s 12 p.m. or 12 a.m., which should lead you to be far more productive. It also means you can work wherever you want, so if you enjoy traveling, you could spend some time living the digital nomad lifestyle.
5. Do something you are good at
When we try something new, we tend to feel bad if we fail. We eventually wonder if we should quit. However, any skill that’s worthwhile will always be preceded by failure as you go through the learning process.
You will gain confidence by combining this process with something you’re good at. So, it’s better to recognize strengths on a daily basis.
6. Take the initiative and think outside the box
Have you ever had a side hustle that morphed into something even bigger than what you expected? I know someone who used their catering service as a way to make money while they studied at the university, but now they’re buying more trucks and making in upwards of $120,000/year.
Sometimes it just takes one idea to turn your life around and start making some serious passive income. There’re so many ways to start making money on the side these days – like driving for Uber or selling your service on freelancing sites, like Fiverr – so take time to think about what you could do if you didn’t have any financial obligations.
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7. Being Entrepreneurial doesn’t mean working all day every day
One great way to spend less money is by trying different hobbies or side hustles. When you experiment with something new, it forces you to work smarter, not harder while still giving yourself some time for leisurely activities. And, once you have something that really resonates with you (like blogging) then those other hobbies or side hustles become all the more enjoyable because they don’t feel like work anymore.
Resource Article: How to become an Online Entrepreneur and find success along the way
8. Enjoy your work (most of it anyway!)
One of the worst things about being self-employed is feeling like you’re neglecting your family because you are always at work. A side hustle can give you back some balance, however. It gives you the chance to break out of your routine while still making a living wage. And if it’s creative enough (i.e. not another job), it can even help fuel your passion for your day job.
9. Work hard, play hard
So you have decided you want to work hard and play hard to grow your side hustle. This sounds awesome! What does it mean? For starters, you should always be working on something in your professional life. That’s because it creates opportunities for you and sets you up for success later in life. Plus, having different experiences throughout your career will help keep things interesting and prevent you from burning out.
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On the other side of the coin, it’s important that you play hard too! You deserve downtime every now and then, plus it’s important that you give yourself time to recharge so that when you’re back at work full-time everything will go smoothly. Balance is the key here – if one takes over completely then that could lead to disaster, or worse yet stagnation or complacency.
10. Stay Positive
Don’t get discouraged when your side hustle doesn’t turn into what you originally thought it would be. When faced with struggles, it’s easy to give up or feel defeated and think that quitting is the best option. But don’t lose hope! There are plenty of ways to make a side hustle successful and let your imagination run wild with all of the adventures you can take because of it.
Why do I recommend dropshipping as one of the best side hustles?
Dropshipping is one of the most profitable side hustles this 2022. It has many benefits other than just saving you from needing a large upfront investment for inventory. Let’s take a look at a few of the biggest benefits of starting your own dropshipping business.
Little to No Startup Capital is required – The most obvious benefit of using dropshipping is the fact that you don’t need to pay for inventory upfront, so you can start your online store on a budget.
Less work is involved – With traditional retail methods, you must keep inventory, remember to restock products before you run out, handle packaging and shipping products, deal with returns, and more.
Lower overhead cost – When you stock your inventory, you must have the space for that inventory, which often means renting warehouse space and/or office space. Even if you keep your inventory at home, you’ll need to set aside space for it and spend time managing it, plus you must buy things like shelving to hold the products.
Flexibility – Rather than be fixated on a specific location, which would be necessary if you keep your inventory, you can operate a dropshipping business from pretty much anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and reliable internet connectivity.
Wider Availability – Because you don’t need to spend money upfront, you’ll have products that you can offer your customers more than you might be in the beginning if you were purchasing inventory upfront.
Scalability – Your business will also be able to scale upward more quickly if you use drop shipping because adding new inventory is as simple as listing it in your shop. You can scale almost endlessly as long as you can find appropriate products.
Finding a legitimate drop shipper, that has fair prices, and is reliable can be tricky. It can take weeks or even months of research to find those few gems that will be reliable enough to base your online dropshipping business on and have prices that allow you to make decent sales.
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I highly recommend going with SaleHoo which is a directory service providing you with a prominent list of suppliers in the eCommerce space from China, the US, the UK, and Canada.
All you have to do is to contact the supplier that you need for your product, place the order, and then SaleHoo takes over. It’s just that simple!
SaleHoo provides you with the opportunity to find the right wholesaler for your business. You have the choice to find the manufacturer that can match your quality requirements.
You can talk to the supplier directly, as the supplier details are shared by SaleHoo. There you can share your quality requirements along with the item count and minimum order numbers, and get an estimate for the cost & delivery date.
SaleHoo accelerates the whole process of choosing the right supplier. You will find multiple suppliers with a wide range of quality and quantity of products at the right price.
Get Started With SaleHoo Today!
My Final Thoughts…
Whether you’re waiting for your next opportunity, tired of going to work day in and day out, or just want something more, starting a side hustle can prove you with invaluable experiences. Consider that most people will retire from their full-time job by the age of sixty-five.
If you don’t know what you’ll do after that point in life or need some extra income now, why not start a side hustle? Even if it’s just on the weekends or nights and it provides enough for buying groceries for your family and dog food, it’s one less thing to worry about when the time comes.
Have been considering starting your own side hustle business but haven’t been sure where to start?
Then make sure to check out these 7 Simple Side Hustles that you can use to make at least $100…starting TODAY!
7 simple side hustles downloadable ebook – Why a Side Hustle is the Key to an Adventurous Life
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